Thursday, October 21, 2010

"A Hunting We Will Go, A Hunting We Will Go..."

The 'BIG' weekend has arrived!
Gentleman Farmer travels every year
with his 'huntin' buddy', Clyde,
to a favorite (shhhhh! secret!)
hunting spot that my dad
showed him, many years ago,
on the 'other side' of the state!
It takes weeks of thinking
and planning
and making BIG messes
But, I tolerate it, :~}
because it doesn't last too long,
he will only be gone 4 days
(remember this fact ~ explanation at bottom of post.)
this is his one hobby,
and he works so hard all year
that he deserves a little guy time!
Still, this is what I have to deal with
for a week or so before the trip...
(all over the kitchen counter)

(He requested his favorite cookies for the trip ~
the night before leaving. :~?(Gotta luv him!)
3 dozen just for him!
You can find the recipe here.)

(All over the kitchen/dining room floor)

(All over the living room ~ there is more 'draped' over
chairs and piled in corners!)

And I didn't show you the the bedroom
(a girl has to have a little bit of pride)
or the humongous ice chest full
of a myriad of dining choices!
(Would you care to guess who does the
meal planning and shopping
for this hunting extravaganza?)
He will be eating better up on the mountain
that I will here at home!
(And the poor man can't boil water!)
Again, let me remind you, this is for 4 days!
(I will remain at home ~ cleaning and
putting the place back in order! It will
probably take me 4 days!)
I wonder what Clyde's bringing?
And then here is what I took for a two
week stay with my daughter in
New York...

Just sayin'!
"Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field."
Genesis 25:27


Anonymous said...

Oh My Dear...I am chuckling as I write...but this sure is typical. Here in the mountains, the hunting season has started and you could hear gunshots on the other side of the river.

When I first moved here it was a bit unnerving, but you get used to it :)

Yep...hunting season has begun all over the North either west or east!

I hope that when he returns, he comes back with a deer or a elk or something just as large and delicious :)

PS: it will probably take you 4 days to put your whole house back together, lol!


Anonymous said...

Ha how cute...Yes your bags are a lot smaller...hehehe ~Nice that he has a hobby he enjoys..thanks for sharing love Heather

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

What a good wife you are! Your post reminded me of a favorite song of mine. Maybe you have heard...

Traveling Light by Joel Hanson and Sara Groves

:) ldh

Cheri said...

Pat is not a hunter, but he is a fisherman. Neither can travel light. One must be prepared for ANY eventuality. Cute post! Hope the mighty hunter is successful and you enjoy your next four days of putting things back together. And maybe some sewing! ;)

Linda Stubbs said...

You are so cute!!!!!! Loved the story! You are so precious to your honey! He will not forget what you have done! I hope they had a good time. My honey likes to hunt also......our son's are always helping us fill our freezers.

Love the scripture you chose!

Blessings you sweet friend,

Andrea said...

Hunting season is a busy time. My cousin loves hunting and just killed a buck.

It was so good to hear from you, and it's so good to visit you!!!

Have wonderful, blessed week! Bask in the Lord's love for you!


P.S. The cookies look so good!!! :)

Camille said...

LOL Raeann...such a cute post! "Just sayin'..." I can just hear you saying that. Oh. Dear. Me. What a LOT of STUFF goes into camping/hunting! What a blessing he has you to send him off in style. :) Did they get anyting???
