Sunday, July 10, 2011


for Preparedness Challenge #16

and for the Barn Hop #19, too.

Visit her to read more interesting ways

to be prepared

and what's happening on other peoples homesteads!

The flower bed I have been refurbishing

is overrun with invasive Soapwort.

As I was pulling so many of these plants up,

I thought I should try making something with

them, just in case the need should ever arise,

I would know how to prepare and use it!

Soapwort can be made into a gentle washing aid

for delicate fabrics, shampoo and a healing wash

for skin with acne or rashes. It makes a

nice, gentle pet shampoo, too.

I pulled the sprouting plants up, roots and all and put them in the sink full of cold water to remove as much dirt and grit as possible. Then I put the entire batch in a large kettle and covered with water. I brought it to a boil and gently simmered the mass for 30 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon occasionally.

I removed and disgarded all the stems and

let it cool overnight (outside, as I wasn't

fond of the smell!) right in the covered pan.

The next day, I strained the liquid 3-4 times

thru a paper towel lined sieve, and

one more time thru a piece of white cotton.

I wanted to see if the greenish color would

stain the fabric, but it didn't.

This must be stored in the refridgerator,

use within one week.


Have any of you had experience with Soapwort?

I would love to hear about it!


"Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin."

"Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

"Psalm 51:3&7


Rebecca said...

Never heard of it! (Wonder if I have some growing in my yard????) Sounds like quite a bit of work - removing stems, etc....

Anonymous said...

Wow I have never heard of this sounds very interesting I hope it works well for you!! Love Heather

Camille said...

Nope...never had dealings with in Raeann! You are one creative lady! That seems like a lot to use in a week! Let us know how it goes. :)

Blessings to you!

MommySetFree said...

THIS IS WONDERFUL! This is my first introduction to soap wart. I am so excited to investigate more fully! You mentioned the smell; have you found it leaves a sent in the clothes? Do you find it comparable to other detergent you use? I will sapre you the other 100 questions I have on the tip of my brain and go look things up. :-) Thanks again!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Have you used the soapwort yet? If so, how did it work and for what purpose?

Sharon said...

Hello Raeann,

Before reading your post I saw some Soapwort plants and thought about purchasing them. Now I know how to use them I think I need to check it out again :)
Have a beautiful day in the Lord!


Oh, almost forgot,How does it smell?

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I have some growing but have never done anything with it yet.