Breakfast in the orchard...



Momma says it's time to go...

until tomorrow.

Papa Violet Green Swallow on the clothesline pole.
And if you look ever so carefully you will see
baby peeking out waiting for his breakfast
to be delivered by momma!

Beautiful Swallowtail Butterfly merrily
dancing from one blossom to another
sipping sweet nectar to start the day!

Globe Thistle showing just a hint of color.

Mourning Doves cooing softly from the cherry tree.

Pots along the lane welcoming the day
with sunny blossoms!
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
Psalm 24:1
Such sweet critter pictures! It is nice to take time to smell the flowers and take in all that the Lord has created!
Wow, this was a fun read! I love those peaceful deer pictures. The fawn is adorable. And that's the cutest li'l bird beak sticking out of the clothesline support. I'd never heard of a violet green swallow before seeing the pic as we don't have them in Tennessee. A couple of years ago I was in Texas for a wedding and had the opportunity to go on a birding tour at the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park in Mission. I'm a huge bird fan.
Love the butterfly, too. Have a great weekend!
It is such a joy to be surrounded by Our Lord's gift so early in the morning :-D
Dear Lady Farmer,
What a delight to see mama and baby deer, along with papa and baby swallow. We get blessed with deer sightings in the field behind our house, every once in a while, and it always a peaceful thing to watch them browse.
p.s. You're putting your pots to good use!
Oh how fun! I am so glad to have found your site! I am a new follower and would love it if you would stop by and consider following me ;)
Nice to meet you!
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