I heard their familiar call first. Their comical dance in the tree tops then caught my eye. They let me get very close so as to observe their brunching in the apple tree. They teased each other and giggled like love struck school kids. When the one was finished, he swooped down and away from the tree, nearly colliding with my head, shouting a loud "kik~kik~kikkik" as he went. The other finished the apple she was eating and proceeded to another. When she had finished sampling yet another apple or two, she quietly flew in the opposite direction and into the forest. They will be back as is their fall and winter habit to visit The Orchard for a fruity meal now and again. I will be looking forward to their next occasion to dine with us.
"He has brought me to His banquet hall and His banner over me is love. Sustain me with raisin cakes, refresh me with apples..." Song of Solomon 2:4&5