I am the coordinator for our church's
Secret Sister Program.
Throughout the year
I like to give little gifts to each
lady that is participating since
I don't have a Secret Sister myself.
Since there are many ladies,
these need to be inexpensive gifts.
For Thanksgiving I came up with
these little paper cornucopia's
that hold a wee sampling of the
Thanksgiving Blessing Mix,
and the Cornucopia, when opened,
has the Blessings Mix Recipe printed

I had a roll of brown craft paper which I
cut into 8 1/2" X 11" (standard copy paper size)
pieces. (I wanted to use what I had available.)
Then I ran the paper through my printer
and printed the recipe onto the
cut down craft paper,
printing two recipes per page.
(This was kinda scary ~ I hoped it wouldn't hurt
my printer! But I have printed muslin
pressed onto a piece of butcher's paper
and it worked beautifully, so I gave
it a try. It printed ok, but did make a
racket as the cartridge passed over the
edges of the paper! :~O )
I cut the recipes apart and trimmed
each piece to measure approximately
5 1/2 inches square.
I used my newest paper punch to
decorate three sides of the paper.
Then I rolled the paper into a cone,
having the recipe on the inside.

I made a sticker ( this one says "Give Thanks"
and has a turkey on it)
to hold the cornucopia together.
(These were supposed to be clear
but they look rather like band-aids
to me! I am using them anyway.)

I filled a little square of plastic wrap with
the Blessings Mix and tied it with a
bit of vintage seam binding and
put it into the cone.
(I prefer to use waxed paper generally,
but used plastic wrap today so
the gals could see what they were getting!)

I hope these little Thanksgiving Cornucopia's
'Bless' all the ladies!
"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good."
Psalm 136:1
Edited Nov. 23: For Linda (and anyone else who may be interested)I bought this Martha Stewart punch at Michael's.
I'm sure you can find one anywhere scrapbooking
supplies are sold!