We arrived back home on Monday evening only to discover
we had 100 lbs. of fresh Tuna to can!
(To see my post on canning Tuna, click here.)
~~~ <((>< ~~~
I would have posted sooner, but have been busy canning
the tuna and catching up with washing and 'recovering' from our
little mini vacation.
Now that that is finished, let's continue on with the photos
from the little journey Gentleman Farmer and I took, shall we?
Thursday night, our bags were packed and stashed in the
back of our little 'camping rig' (More on this later!) for
an early morning drive to Port Angeles, two hours away.
We parked our car and, bringing only the necessary items,
boarded the Coho ferry on foot, for the 8:00am sailing to
beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada!
The day dawned glorious! Not a cloud in the sky.
In fact, I believe this was one of the warmest (ie. HOT) weekends
we have had this summer!
Pt. Angeles.
Arriving at the harbour of Victoria 90 minutes later.

Upon disembarking the ship and going through the border
crossing/customs, we strolled along the harbour
searching for our hotel.
It was too early for checking in, but as we had reservations, we
were allowed to drop our bags at the desk to enjoy
our day unencumbered. But we did bring along
a day pack filled with lunch for later in the day.
First stop ~ The Wax Museum at Gentleman Farmers request.
Here are a few photos shot in the museum. I am surprised that
any turned out as we were not allowed to use a flash and it
was pretty dark in there.

Her Majesty ~ The Queen!
Henry VIII and wives.

crossing/customs, we strolled along the harbour
searching for our hotel.
It was too early for checking in, but as we had reservations, we
were allowed to drop our bags at the desk to enjoy
our day unencumbered. But we did bring along
a day pack filled with lunch for later in the day.
First stop ~ The Wax Museum at Gentleman Farmers request.
Here are a few photos shot in the museum. I am surprised that
any turned out as we were not allowed to use a flash and it
was pretty dark in there.
I did not take more pictures of the tour, as many
were gruesome in nature, and others because I totally forgot
about my camera!
"And while they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take eat: this is My body." And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying,"Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom."
(Tomorrow ~ The Butchart Gardens!)
Hello Dear Friend, Welcome back! I thought I was the only one that sang this cute song when I come back home.
Looks like you had a fun time, I enjoyed your pics, especially the Last Supper. I would love to visit a wax museum.
It is good to have you back filled with great memories to share :)
The wax museum must have been an experience. I remember visiting one, and I agree with you, some of the pictures were just a bit too much.
Looking forward to your pictures...
Love, Maria
Welcome Home Raeann!! How fun that you were in my neck of the woods ~ sort of. :) Is your favourite author Mark Twain? Just a guess...
The Buchart Gardens are lovely...I'm sure you got some gorgeous photos. The ferry pics here are wonderful...it's so pretty when the sun is shining. I'm happy for you!
Welcome back and happy Tuna canning looks like a fun trip~ I enjoyed all the pictures ~Love Heather
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