The chimes of time ring out the news,
Another day is through.
Someone slipped and fell.
Was that someone you?
You may have longed for added strength,
Your courage to renew.
Do not be disheartened,
For I have news for you.
It is no secret what God can do.
What He's done for others, He'll do for you.
With arms wide open, He'll pardon you.
It is no secret what God can do.
There is no night for in His light
You'll never walk alone.
Always feel at home,
Wherever you may go.
There is no power can conquer you
While God is on your side.
Take Him at His promise,
Don't run away and hide.
It is no secret what God can do.
What He's done for others, He'll do for you.
With arms wide open, He'll pardon you.
It is no secret what God can do.
"For nothing is hidden that shall not become evident, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light."
Luke 8:17
"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away, behold, new things have come."
II Corinthians 5:17
~*~*~(There is a secret out in The Barnyard)~*~*~
So Beautiful - thank you for sharing and bringing a smile to my day!
Have a wonderful day!
I love the version of this song that Jim Reeves sings; what a beautiful voice he had. Thanks for writing out the lyrics for us!
that was lovely, thank you
Lovely, Lovely!!! :)
Reading through some of your past blogs...what sweet, precious photos of your daughter!! Hope she had a wonderful day!
Amen! So beautiful and so true! His arms are always wide open for us to run into :) Thank you for the encouragement Lady Farmer :)
Have a beautiful day!
I remember George Beverly Shea singing this. I think I can quote all the verses still. It is SO reassuring to know that God welcomes us "with arms wide open."
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