Charlotte was a disabled lady from our church.
I tried to help her by cleaning her tiny
apartment and taking her grocery shopping.
I visited her a few times when she was dying
in the care facility.
This doesn't sound exactly like the post title, does it!
But after Charlotte went to be with the Lord,
I was given a couple of her things
that her children didn't want ~
her Bibles and her music stand.
I use her Bibles but didn't really
have a use for her music stand.
But one of my sweet grand daughter's
needs one for her violin music.
She's 7 years old and loves pink!
Gentleman Farmer and I took the dusty
old black music stand and fancied it up
a bit for our little musician.
Here are the before's and after's!
The black music stand |
Disassembled and ready to clean |
Cleaned and lightly sanded |
The first of MANY coats of Berry Pink paint |
A touch of oil painted musical whimsey! |
The finished stand ready for Miss R
to make melodies! |
I think Charlotte would be pleased that
someone was putting her music stand to good use
and giving pleasure to others with their music!
"speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;"
Ephesians 5:19