Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer on the farm

Summer has come at long last to Cove Cottage Farm!

As I lie under the verdant green of the stately old Maple tree,

I dream of what the days of summer hold for me

here on our sweet little farm.

Bowers of flowers to be pressed...

...or woven into gifts for cherished friends and family.

Turning bounty

into blessings....

...to be savored when once again, the days of summer

have past.

Beholding beauty...

and sharing our place

with other gentle dwellers on the farm.

Welcoming the simple tasks

and sharing the simple beauty

of a lifelong journey

that began one summer

many years ago.


Joining Kathy for


"Thou hast established all the boundaries of the earth; Thou hast made summer and winter."

Psalm 75:17


Nadine said...

awww...so sweet, especially the last photo! :)
So happy to see the sunshine today!!!


Kathy said...

Love your embrace of summer - sharing the beauty and the blessings God provides - makes one want to fling one's arms out with joy and say Thank you! You've touched upon some beautiful aspects of celebrating summer - beauty, bounty and sharing - our journey began long ago in the summer and it gets sweeter each year! Thank you for sharing this with Savoring Summer!
God Bless,

Camille said...

Yippee...Yahoo for Summer!! Do you really think it is here??? We waited sooooo long this year, didn't we? :)

Loved all your photos Raeann...I especially like the clothesline one...THAT is something I am looking forward to doing all summer long. :)

Love to you!

Simply Heart And Home said...


Oh, I love your summer moments. So beautiful. I would love to sit a spell and visit you on your love farm.


Anonymous said...

wow everything looks wonderful!! thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures ~wishing you a most blessed summer Love Heather

Fairfield House said...

Counting and rejoicing in summer's blessings is so much better than complaining about the heat! Thank you for this sweet post. It's as refreshing as a tall glass of lemon-aide.


Sherry said...

I enjoyed your post about summer. I love the phrase turning bounty into blessings. I grow lavender and love to make wreaths and wands and hope to get the chance to do so this year.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Cove Cottage Farm...you know I love that name!
Simple tasks, simple beauty...you'll love my post tomorrow -smile-.

Lori said...

I love summertime too! Hanging clothes on the line and the simple things are the best. Lovely photos :)