Friday, December 3, 2010

Much Ado About Nothing

Gone to Pot!
The day started innocently enough~
as usual, I arose at 4:30 am
to fix Gentleman Farmer's breakfast
and pack his lunch for work.
My routine then is to hop back into bed
and turn on the radio to listen
to the news from our little town.
GF sits on the bed next to me
and brushes his teeth while
we listen together.
When the announcer gets to
sports, GF goes to rinse
and I turn off the radio
and grab a book, magazine or Bible
to read.
(Not interested in the sports! Don't
have or know any kids in school,
and The Mariners....)
Hubby returns to kiss me goodbye,
and heads off to work.
So far, so good!
(TMI for you, I'm sure!
Are you still with me?)
After I did a little reading/study,
I got up and got dressed, tended
the chickens, fed and let out the cats,
and had a little breakfast while
I caught up reading the newest posts
on some blogs.
(Just a little longer!)
Then I made some home made laundry detergent,
the liquid kind. This took me quite awhile as
the borax and washing soda had been kept
out in the garage, must have gotten just a tad
bit damp and was very clumpy. Had to work
it with a pasty cutter to get most of the
lumps out. I finished making the soap in
a five gallon bucket. It should last me all Winter!
(I am sharing some with my mom and aunt.)
Let me know if you are interested in the recipe.
I will send it to you.
(Hang in there, not long now!)
Then I headed out to go into town (12 miles away)
to 'Soup and Sound'. This is a Christmas gift
to the community from the United Methodist Church ~
Free Homemade Soup and a Concert,
which has different preformers each of the
Fridays in December before Christmas!
This was their 28th year and I have
attended all but one or two!
For me, this is when the Christmas Season begins!
After a delightful concert and delicious soup,
I did some shopping and then came home.
I finished up my laundry detergent and then
began on this project.
(Finally! Here are some pictures for you to look at!)
This is something I had wanted to make for
a couple of years, but just never remembered
to get the pots.
(Got any ideas?)
You will need five small terra cotta pots
and one terra cotta tray, some craft paint,
bits of trim and fun fur, and some glue.
(I used a glue gun.)

Paint them to look like
toy soldiers
(Hope you can paint better than me!)
After your pots are painted,
Hot glue them together and
add some hair, a beard
and some braid trim on his hat.
(I just used what I had.)

Is it just me....
or does he look a bit like...
The Burger King?
(Now, aren't you glad you stuck around?!)
"...apart from Me, you can do nothing."
John 15:5


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Your Nutcracker/Toy Soldier is adorable ~ actually quite dashing! Isn't it so good to complete a projects that has been in the back of your mind for a long time. Very nice job!

You had a productive day :)

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Dear Lady Farmer,

What a delightful little soldier! Yes, I think he does look a bit like the Burger King~ That just makes him that much more special ;).

The soup and concert sound delightful, too.



Christa said...

So Cute! I also enjoyed reading about GF and your soup and sound stories.
I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season.

Warm and Cozy from Tennessee...Christa

Nadine said...

Too Cute!
I have painted clay pots white and added button eyes and clay carrot noses and painted smiles. I then filled them with melted wax for candles...many years ago! :)
Your background is very cute!


Leslie said...

What a fun post! I am nosey so all the details suited me just fine. :) Plus I got a good laugh at the end. You have a beautiful blog. ~Leslie

Anonymous said...

Ha how sweet!! He looks wonderful~Love Heather

Anonymous said...

Yes...a little :)

But it is a very special memory you have created.

Thank you so much for sharing dear one,


Cheri said...

How cute! And much cuter than BK.
Mind if I link to this on one of my Martha/Mary moments?

Betsy said...

I love it and I have always wanted to do this. I have never seen any with the beard and hair , I would have never thought of that. Thank you so much for the tutorial.

Suzanne said...

Oh he is cute! I just love the churches hosting luncheons and dinners for the needy at this time. And music too--how wonderful! Truly what the season is about:-)

Diane Shepard Johnson and Sarah E. Johnson said...

Dear Lady Farmer,

Love that Nutcracker! You did a great job painting him! Thanks for entering our Yellowware Bowl Giveaway and for putting our banner on your sidebar.

You're so blessed to have your Great Grandmother's bowl, even with the crack down the side! Just think of how much delightful use it has given your family!

Diane and daughter Sarah

Simply Heart And Home said...


What a delight to read about your morning. My that is early! You must retire to bed early as well.

Your craft is such a great idea. I'm afraid that I am not a nutcracker fan. To me, they always look like they want to bite you! Yikes!

Have a lovely Friday evening!


The Old Cupboard Door said...

Yes, I am glad I stuck it out...but how could I not, I was caught up in the story. Love your soldier boy!

Sue said...

Yes I am, what talent you have, of course I was enjoying reading about your day anyhow.I never tire of seeing and reading of the talents and gifts that God has given my friends here in blogland. I can't even draw a stick person. lol Thank you for sharing.