In the room that once was our youngest
daughter's tiny bedroom,
I have my little 'library'.
I have a varied assortment of books
and authors, including
Jane Austen, Janette Oke, Phillips/Pella,
George MacDonald (one of my very favorites!)
James Harriot, C.S. Lewis (another favorite),
many gardening books, soap-making books,
The Left Behind Series,
devotionals and Bible Studies,
old books from my Grandmother which
include some old history books telling of
many things you won't hear about these days
in public schools! There are sewing books,
quilting books, classic novels, and The
Gentleman Farmer even has a shelf of his own
with manly titles such as Tales of the Canadian North,
Big Game, Big Country, and several more hunting books,
old west books, collectible Scouting books,
and a series of woodworking books.
But I have more than books on these shelves.
I love the outdoors and the creatures, critters and plants
that you find there. I have made several little vignettes
on the shelves with treasures I have gathered as
they are found.

~ The Bookshelf~

From the forest floor ~
Blacktail deer shed antlers,
bracket or shelf fungus that grow on trees,
a Monkey puzzle tree cone...

more of the fungal growths, elk teeth, a deer hoof
and two porcupine quills.

A little
lucite case containing moss and a Swallowtail Butterfly
and a moth, another moth on the book (left)
and an interesting seed pod (right).

Another shelf holds a few odds and ends ~
a Moon Rock from Idaho,
a bit of sheep wool, gathered from the fence along
our lane, left by the neighbors sheep,
and two whole shed snake skins ~ rare to find
an entire skin! Even the eyes shed!


Dragonfly on lichen from apple trees
small paper wasp nest
join Jane Austen.

Poor little Bumblebees that have perished with
tummies full of Lavender nectar
and a June bug or Japanese beetle
on yet another type of moss.

Little birds eggs found on the ground
now share a 'nest' of flannel in a
vintage jar,
and another wasp nest.

A robin's nest and egg, another butterfly wing,
a pretty feather and some dried rose buds.

From our beach is a crab and a barnacle,
two shells from a little journey GF and I
took last year,
and a lovely smooth rock from Lake Ontario near
our youngest daughter's home in New York.
I enjoy looking at all these treasures that have been collected
from little adventures here on our little farm
or from travels to places beyond. They remind me
of the people I love and places I love to visit.
And like the books they share the shelves with,
they are fascinating to look at and full of information
about their particular subject if you look closely
and take the time to study them.
Their intricacies tell the story of their wonderful
"For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things have been created by Him and for Him."
Colossians 2:16