Monday, February 21, 2011
Barn Hop!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Outdoor Wednesday
"And huge hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, came down from heaven upon men"
Revelation 16:21
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day and a Giveaway Winner!
Not only did she have the most correct answers,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Giveaway Reminder!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A Valentine Rhyming Game GIVEAWAY!
1. They didn't have a New Home,
White or Singer with treadle,
Just a simple needle to make dwellings
not of wood nor of metal
(Answer: Priscilla and Aquilla)
2. Many can imitate this *fowl* guy, I'd guess
But hand him a napkin to wipe off the mess
(Answer: Daisy and Donald Duck)
3. He said, "I have been a sojourner
in a foreign land
The priest of Midian
gave him his daughter's hand
(Answer: Moses and Ziphorah)4. Their marriage was an
elegant royal affair,
But his death was almost more
than she could bare.
(Answer: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert)5.To some this riddle
may seam a hoax.
To that I'll say
"That's All Folks!"
(Answer: Petunia and Porky Pig)6. He is know for his faith,
she for great beauty,
Their descendants would number
like the sands at the sea.
(Answer: Abraham and Sarah)7. She was a patient woman,
her man to marry,
A 'Neanderthal' man
who worked down at the quarry.
(Answer: Fred and Wilma Flintstone)8. She gathered his wheat
and then slept at his feet
(Answer: Ruth and Boaz)9. I hear his army he knew to command,
but what the heck was he doing with his hand?
(Answer: Napoleon and Josephine)
10. They were neighbors and friends,
though their place was a sty,
To the lady who wrote
"The Egg and I."
(Answer: Ma and Pa Kettle)11. Of all his wives, she was the favored,
Another seven years
for her he had labored.
(Answer: Jacob and Rachel)12. She loved a double-chinned,
one eyed sailor man,
Whose favorite *green* food
came out of a can.
(Answer: Popeye and Olive Oyl)13. She loved a father,
though he wasn't hers.
But he was both
mine and *yers*.
(Answer: George and Martha Washington)
14. They say girls like her
have more fun,
but just give him his favorite sandwich
when the day is done!
(Answer: Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead)15. I'm sure they looked
just like me and you,
But maybe not having
what some oranges do!
(Answer: Adam and Eve)16. Perhaps she had scissors
beneath her dresses,
That she used to sever
his long flowing tresses!
(Answer: Samson and Delilah)17. Their home was in the future,
space ships for cars,
And a dog that spoke
all his words beginning with "r's".
(Answer: George and Jane Jetson)18. She took a bath
where he could peek,
The king who once
had tended sheep.
(Answer: David and Bathsheba)19. He flew through the air
with the greatest of ease,
But no trapeze for him,
he used vines hung from trees.
(Answer: Tarzan and Jane)20. With a horse named Silver,
and his 'Kimo Sabe'
This hero righted all wrongs,
(it was kinda his hobby)
He ousted villians from the land,
and at his shows end we all said,
"Who was that masked man?"
I wish he lend me aid!
(Answer: The Lone Ranger and Tonto)21. This wacky New York City housewife
Husband Ricky, friends the Mertz~
found herself in many a fix.
I laughed so hard
until I cried
And my sides ~
Oh they do hurts!
(Answer: Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz)22. He was quite short
Her hair was quite long,
"I've got you, Babe"
was their memorable song.
(Answer: Sonny and Cher)23. He was quite dashing
in the Civil War Era,
Her home was a farm
down South named 'Tera'
(Answer: Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara)24. Together they robbed
and together they killed.
This stuck in the lawmens' gullet.
But it all came to an end,
No more to offend,
They lived as they died ~
by the bullet.
(Answer: Bonnie (Parker) and Clyde (Barrow))25. This wholesome cowboy, and his horse Trigger
Saved the day in the end,
Then into the sunset he rode with his wife
Singing, "Happy Trails to you, until we meet again!"
(Answer: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans)26. They started it all, like 'Dancing with the stars"
They danced their way to fame.
She in high heals and elegant dresses,
He in tails, top hat and cane.
(Answer: Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers)27. They sold a plot and made a lot!
"We gave it all" they lied.
T'was their last, the die was cast,
For their sin they both had died.
(Answer: Ananias and Sapphira)28. His dad might have killed him,
But God saved his life.
The love of his life
Then became his wife.
(Answer: Isaac and Rebecca)29. Cheese could be their favorite food.
You can see them at Disneyland, if you're in the mood!
(Answer: Mickey and Minnie Mouse)30. (I had one more for Romeo and Juliet, but can't find it. Can you make up a riddle
for them?)
How many can you name? Please put your answers in the comment box.
I will post the answers on Valentines Day!
And the *FOLLOWER* who has the most correct answers
will win their choice of a Bread Keeper
a Country Fresh Clothespin Bag
from my Etsy Store.
(You must give BOTH names of the couple.
You must be a follower to win. Please tell
me along with your comment ON THIS POST that you are a follower or
have just become a follower, and leave an email address so I can contact you if you win.)
(In case of a tie, high scorers will be placed in a 'hat'
and winner *randomly* drawn by Gentleman Farmer.)
Added: I did want to mention that YOUR answers/comments will not be posted until Monday, the 14th so as not to give unfair advantage to anyone else!
"And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is
I Corinthians 13:13
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Kisses :~*

"Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace be to you all that are in Christ Jesus."
I Peter 5:14