Saturday, September 26, 2009

Candy Corn Pots!

A quick little craft for Harvest Time decorating!
I bought several tiny little terra cotta pots
and painted them to look like candy corn!
These make cute little favors for your Harvest table.

"While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease."
Genesis 8:22


Anonymous said...

These are just darling!
I am going to try and fit making these in ...
Wishing you a blessed day filled with sweet and simple joys! ♥

Nadine said...

How cute...of course now I am having a craving for candy corn! :)


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Now that is quite unique. What sweet little pots!

Can you believe that despite having eaten over a billion candy corns (lol), I forgot how they actually LOOKED and made a whole batch of earrings wrong -- with the orange on the end, not the middle -- tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing!!!

Sharon said...

Very Cute Lady Farmer :) I am also craving some now!

Oh, answer to your question: yes, I am making the marshmallows :)

Here is a link to the recipe:

Have a blessed day :)


Sue said...

Hello Dear Friend,
I just adore these little pots, and what a cute idea. The scripture you have chosen is one of favorites, it always speaks to my heart, I guess it might be because of farming and loving it. It alone has such a powerful message. Thank you for sharing.

Just a note... I am so enjoying the homemade laundry detergent recipe that you shared, I have now gotten three other women using it, and they are so amazed, Thank you for this recipe.

American Home said...

I love this idea! Thank you for posting it. Fall is my favorite season and we love doing all kinds of crafts. Have a great fall!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It think this is so cute. And very inexpensive also.

Wren Cottage said...

I love your new Autumn look! The little girl is soo sweet! And the poem fills me with Autumn dreams...
This is such a cute idea!! And a lovely scripture as well... thank you so much for sharing... I think I will stay awhile and enjoy the lovely music... xox ~ Madai

Jennifer said...

I love these! I'm not much of a crafter - but I think I'm going to give these a try!! Such a cute idea.